Dear August,
Many many years ago I heard you on Terry Gross’s “Fresh Air” program, on NPR, public radio here in America. Of course, I already knew a little bit about you since I owned cassette copies of “In praise of Older Women” and “I too, have seen the woods”. These came from the days (of the four years) I lived in LA, and I remember seeing you and the (then) Coconuts either live, or in that movie that today, I apologize, I cannot recall.
Today, I am broaching 60 years old of course, and have raised my kids on the music of my times – which they seem to like better than anything produced today – and their favorite Kid Creole and the Coconuts song is “Stool Pigeon” which I got off of a compilation CD of the 80’s. But tonight I am sitting here getting ready for my 40th High School reunion, and as always my classmates want me to put some music together, so I am doing more from the 80’s and today, on the way home from work, I thought about Kid Creole and thought “Damn, I have to get some of that in there” so I mixed down some of cassettes to CD and once again, maybe 10 years since hearing your work last time, I have listened to my 2 cassettes.
I then went on the web to see what you might be doing today, and I was SO pleased to see you are alive and well, and living in Europe while still doing that “thing” that made you such a unique performer, yes, but for me, a truly unique musician. Damn you write and produce such great music some times!!!
I just wanted to drop you a line so that you might find this in your Inbox some day and remember, your work touched many of us! Sure, “Stool Pigeon” is a great song like so many you did that just force you to dance around – but my favorites will always be “Buttermilk Channel” (yes, I know, its not much in length, but damn thing is just so “up” with a sarcastic smile!) and “Call it a day” – which sure, I would like a 15 minute version of – but as it is, just a greatly crafted and performed song.
Thank you August, you, your work, has been such a wonderful corner of my life.
And hey! Now that I have digital copies – I shall spread the word!
Keep up the great work – remember there are oddballs out here like me who have watched you from afar and been so pleased with what you do – and may God bless you, keep you well, and doing what you do so well! Long live Cab, Long live August!
Warm regards,
Bruce Landry
New Hampshire (at present)